Separating Workspace from Living Space
The option of turning a room into a dedicated workspace hasn’t been available to everyone. If you’re working in one of your living spaces, it can be hard to know when work ends and living starts, or vice versa.
It’s important to create that divide for yourself, so you can properly switch off at the end of the workday. Here are some of our tips for separating workspace from living space in a multi-functional room.
Folding Furniture
If you’re able to carve out a little corner in a bedroom, living room or kitchen, you may have more workspace options than you thought. Folding furniture has been a popular option for many working from home because you can fold it down and prop it against a wall at the end of the working day. This way, you don’t have to lie in bed staring at your desk and thinking about that call you had earlier. Because of the demand, many different stores have introduced folding chairs and desks into their range, so you’ll be able to find something that is in keeping with your interior design taste.
The Right Lighting
It’s important, in whatever space you have, to set up proper lighting. Ideally, you’ll be able to set up work in an area with plenty of natural light, but that is not always possible. If your eyes are feeling tired at work, it may indicate a need for better lighting. But you can also use that lighting to help separate your work and living spaces. By opting for a desk lamp, you can provide your eyes with the light they need to cope during the day, and then in the evening, you can switch it off and darken your workspace to help you switch off as well.
The Great Divide
Being able to physically divide your space will greatly help you disconnect from work. If you’re in a living room or bedroom, you could use a folding screen or divider to create a wall between your workspace and living space. This way, neither your cosy looking bed or the tv can provide a distraction during the day. Decor can also be used to create this divide. A rug placed only under your desk will visually cut the work space off from the rest of the room. Instead of prints and photographs, swap them for a corkboard as a reminder that it’s a space for productivity.
Pack Work Away
Even the smallest things can help convince your brain that it’s the end of the workday when it’s got to relax in the same space it’s been working in all day. Make sure to close down your computer and slide it somewhere the eye can’t see after work. Pop your notebooks away in a cupboard or drawer and hide the evidence of a working day. It makes a world of difference to not have to look at the remnants of your busy day shooting off emails and being on work calls whilst you’re kicking back and relaxing in the evening. It’s not a big fix but a simple one.